An Example of a Maximal Nilpotent Subalgebra that is not a Cartan
A simpler description for the ideal generated by the symmetric
polynomials in two variables
Galois connections: examples and theory
HILio: Idempotent Morphisms | Mesh Hamiltonian Cycles
Making determinants my friends
Primes: the indivisible and the indispensable (4)
Filters are generalized subsets, and other small remarks on
A Problem of Skolem - Part 1
Primes: the indivisible and the indispensable (3)
Spring 2025 Research Questions
Goat-and-switch: An Explanation for Monty Hall
Primes: the indivisible and the indispensable (2)
Proof that a relation is an equivalence relation if and only if it is
both reflexive and circular
An Elementary Number Theory Problem
Primes: the indivisible and the indispensable (1)
My definition of circular relations
Three Variants of a Simple Card Game
Anotações a “Ética a Nicômaco” 1 e 10.6–9
Argumento ontológico (1)
Every open cover has a countable subcover => a countable dense
An Introduction to Differential Geometry and Curvature
İlk Gönderim
The triply punctured sphere
The Expected Number of Men with at Least One Woman Next to Them
The Expected number of Transitions in
flips of a Coin
Holomorphic one-forms and the genus
Conformal mappings between annuli
Blichfeldt’s Lemma and Minkowski’s Theorem
A Test of the Platform
First post
Birational invariance of plurigenera
The Tate curve and p-adic analytic geometry, part 1
Notes on Forcing on Topoi
implementing 64 bits integers in RNS (residue number system)
The canonical sheaf of projective space
First post
Characterizing quantum state-space with a single quantum
Singular plane curves in pencils, topologically
4-Manifolds, Part 1: The intersection form
After some algebra...
QBuki Notes on Reconstruction
Alexander Duality: Part 1
Bounded distances of tile vertices from a line: parallels between the
Fibonacci and Hat tilings
First post
A 2-norm sphere
Some constants
Math Material for Algo- & HFT, Book by
y-on-x and x-on-y regressions
Cartier divisors and the Picard group
Depolarization and the Urgleichung
Simple linear regression model — revisted using the maximum
likelihood estimator
Order convergence in an order ideal
Simple linear regression model
Fuck Nino Sarratore
Relating radii
When is the lower bound saturated?
Brennan 1998: The Role of Learning in Dynamic Portfolio Decisions
From a lower-bound on the variance to the Jordan product?
Bismuth-Gueant-Pu 2019: Portfolio choice … under drift
Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction
Linear Algebra in Population Modeling
Estimation Theory
Intro to Diff Attention
Deep Learning with Pytorch, core materials
Completando cuadrados para resolver cuadráticas
Should Machines Think : A perspective on the goals of Artificial
General topology (Autumn 2024), 1
Understanding Schemes Part II - The road to Spec (Coordinate Rings
and Morphisms)
On the Theory of Knights and Knaves
Hanson 2007 Book – Background Info on Jump Diffusions
Autour du lac Balogton
Appendix A – Hanson 2007 Book
First Post – A Note to my Future Self
Algebraic geometry (Autumn 2024), 1
Working my way through Baby Rudin: Every neighborhood is an open
First post
Solutions to some exercises in Murphy’s C*-algebra and Operator
Dictator Problems
About This Blog
Why Not Lambda Encodings?
Perceived Issues with Interaction Nets
Zariski Topology
Functor Network turns one year old!
My take on what derivative is.
Lagrangian Framework for Fluids Suggest Symmetry-Breaking Mechanism
for Turbulent Flows
A sequence whose adjacent terms always make the given algebraic
expression a square number
Weak metrizability of a ball and separability
Polynomial rings
Ring of fractions and localization
Back Prop
First post
Basic ring theory
Abelianization Volley #3 - Adjoint Functors
Modelos Estadísticos (draft)
Compactness of integral operators
Approximation by simple functions on a product σ -algebra
Guide to Royden and Fitzpatrick’s Real Analysis: The Radon-Nikodym
Theorem (Part 1)
Abelianization Volley #2 - Abelianization
Jordan-Hölder Theorem
Nilpotent and solvable groups
PE 890 (Spoilers)
Abelianization Volley #1 - Universal Arrows
Group actions and Sylow theorems
Krull-Schmidt theorem
Finitely generated abelian groups
Products, coproducts, and free objects in groups and abelian
Image test
Basic category theory, products, coproducts, and free objects.
Conjugation as change of representation
Inside STL sort algorithm
Newmark method
Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right, Chapter 1.C Exercises
计算科学与工程 学习笔记 A=LU
计算科学与工程 学习笔记 Au=b
Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right, Chapter 1.B Exercises
LLM is all you need
Stillwell, Elements of Number Theory, Chapter 1 Exercises
Munkres, Topology, Section 13 Exercises
Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Chapter 3 Exercises
Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Chapter 2 Exercises
Understanding Schemes Part I - Classical Algebraic Geometry
Collating Textbook References
Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right, Chapter 1.A Exercises
When semigroups are groups
Artin, Algebra, Chapter 2 Exercises
Book Club-"Cake Cutting: Be Fair if you Can" - Meeting 1
Sun Set — a connected subset of a plane that is a union of pairwise
disjoint closed sets
Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Chapter 1 Exercises
Tensor Products - How two polynomial rings in one variable give one
polynomial ring in two variables! (huh?)
A geometrical explanation of the determinant formula for
Be ruthless! A list of what makes a math textbook good
Ease-In-Out Curves From Scratch
“I’m typing this with sticky fingers” — my cutest interaction on Math
Stack Exchange
Seven Sketches in Compositionality - Exercise 2.73.1
Seven Sketches in Compositionality - Exercise 2.68
Seven Sketches in Compositionality - Exercise 2.61
Algunos comentarios...
Demostración de pi por método de Newton
Problems with the PCG implementation from the npm package pcg
Some observations while writing a collection of optimized PRNGs in
Norm, Trace and Discriminant in a Number Field
Moysés e Tipler em: primeira e segunda leis de Newton
Upper bound topology of T4 topologies might not be T4 (examples)
Need help
Fun with Van Kampem
Discrete Deformations of Shifting Piecewise Sets
Taking Math Notes in Obsidian: An Overview
Exercises on tensor product
Hello world!
Gadget Framework
Useless Machines
Constraint Logic
Loopy Games
Nimber x Tables
Oneiric Numbers
Strange Maths*
Mountain Air
New Blog?
Convolutional Discrete Calculus – Video Outline
Schrödinger’s cat
∞ Magnifying
Tiny Time
Over the ☽
A Short Fiction Story: Infinite Supply of Soup
The Nature and Existence of Numbers
Dynamics and Control:State Space Modeling
I Advocate for a Base-12 Counting System
Pac-man’s World
God and Mathematics (Descartes)
Doubting Mathematics (Descartes)
Syntax and Semantics Concerning Power Sets
Vector Sum and Minkowski Sum
Brunn-Minkowski Inequality and the Basic Isomperimetric
Prekopa-Leindler inequality
Da relação entre dimensão e base
Box topology is rarely metrizable
Tychonoffication with an application
may fail to be a von Neumann algebra
Hi. It’s me.
First Post
Naturalizando o determinante
Introducing the Featherflu™ H5N1 Bird Flu Research Foundation
(almost) interval preserving maps preserve order continuity
Dye’s theorem for C*-algebras
initial post
alpaca-lora: Experimenting with home-cooked Large Language Model
Guten Tag
Testing Functor network
More explanation on e
Inaugural release of Functor Network