Estimation Theory

  • An observation is defined as: where and denote the unknown vector and the measurement vector. is a function of and is the observation noise with the power density .
  • It is assumed that is a random variable with an a priori power density before the observation.
  • The goal is to compute the “best” estimation of using the observation.

Optimal Estimation

  • The optimal estimation is defined based on a cost function :
  • Some typical cost functions:
    • Minimum Mean Square Error ( ):
    • Absolute Value ( ):
    • Maximum a Posteriori ( ):
  • It can be shown that:
  • If the a posteriori density function has only one maximum and it is symmetric with respect to then all the above estimates are equal to .
  • In fact, assuming these conditions for , is the optimal estimation for any cost function if and is nondecreasing with distance (Sherman’s Theorem).
  • Maximum Likelihood Estimation: is the value of that maximizes the probability of observing :
  • It can be shown that if there is no a priori information about .

Linear Gaussian Observation

  • Consider the following observation: where is a Gaussian random vector and matrices and are known.

  • In this observation, is estimable if has full column rank otherwise there will be infinite solutions for the problem.

  • If is invertible, then:

  • The maximum likelihood estimation can be computed as:

  • It is very interesting that is the Weighted Least Square (WLS) solution to the following equation: with the weight matrix i.e. 

  • is an unbiased estimation:

  • The covariance of the estimation error is:

  • is efficient in the sense of Cramér Rao bound.

  • Example: Consider the following linear Gaussian observation: where is a nonzero real number and is the observation noise.

  • Maximum a Posteriori Estimation: To compute , it is assumed that the a priori density of is Gaussian with mean and variance :

  • The conditions of Sherman’s Theorem is satisfied and therefore:

  • Estimation bias:

  • Estimation error covariance:

  • Maximum Likelihood Estimation: For this example, we have:

  • With this information:

  • Estimation bias:

  • Estimation error covariance:

  • Comparing and , we have: It means that if there is no a priori information about , the two estimations are equal.

  • For the error covariance, we have:

  • In other words, information after observation is the sum of information of the observation and information before the observation.

  • Estimation error covariance:

  • It is possible to include a priori information in maximum likelihood estimation.

  • A priori distribution of , , can be rewritten as the following observation: where is the observation noise.

  • Combined observation: where:

  • The assumption is that and are independent. Therefore:

  • Maximum likelihood estimation:

  • is unbiased and has the same error covariance as .

  • Therefore and are equivalent.

Standard Kalman Filter

  • Consider the following linear system: where , denote the state vector and measurement vector at time .

  • and are independent Gaussian white noise processes where is invertible.

  • It is assumed that there is an a priori estimation of , denoted by , which is assumed to be unbiased with a Gaussian estimation error, independent of and : where is invertible.

  • The Kalman filter is a recursive algorithm to compute the state estimation.

  • Output Measurement: Information in and can be written as the following observation: Considering the independence of and , we have:

  • Using the Weighted Least Square (WLS) and matrix inversion formula:

  • Assuming:

  • We have:

  • State estimation is the sum of a priori estimation and a multiplicand of output prediction error. Since:

  • is the Kalman filter gain.

  • Estimation error covariance:

  • Information: