Hi, I’m Kamil Przespolewski and this is my math blog. Topology, analysis and functional analysis are closest to my heart (as of today). I’m open to learing new fields. My BA thesis is about metrization theorems in spaces of continous functions (soon available online). In Autum of 2024 I begin my masters in Berlin.
Besides math I enjoy philosophy, music, cooking, walking… Check out links below.
Before studying I was an artist in the movie industry so don’t be surprised when you see a reference to a movie.
- If you use Linux check out my math
keyboard layout and flex with Unicode math symbols.
- Mathstodon profile.
- Wikipedia profile.
- For a non-mathematical stuff check out my homepage. There are few lists (unconventioal ideas for spending time with others, weirdoes, or helpful browser add-ons), freestyle writing, and more.
How I started doing maths
I was reading about Leibniz. I didn’t like math at that time. I was happy working for TV and movies. Anyway, I was quite suprised when I read that Leibniz claimed that the tangent line to a cricle passes through two points. What a bastard! I was enraged. But then I thought
Wait a minute… What is a line? What is a point!!!
A few hours later I was reading The Non-Euclidean Revolution by Richard Trudeau. And a few months later I quit my job and started preparing for university. I had quite a lot to learn since I was an avereage student and never liked math in school.
Fast forward a few years I’m a math masters’ student :)
Anonymous feedback here. Thanks!