Section 1: Geometry of in
Consider to be a differentiable, time-parameterized curve through . The length of such a curve is defined as
We say is if for all . Now we’ll introduce some definitions to build up to a notion of curvature. Supposing p.a.l., we define and call it the to at time . Intuitively, we define the , denoted to be the magnitude of the time derivative of , Put simply, the curvature tells us how quickly the unit tangent vector of our curve changes! A little more digging will give allow us to draw a clear picture of all of these quantities. Notice that, since , we have This tells us that is necessarily orthogonal to the unit tangent, . We can use this insight to further define the , This gives us a solid basis of geometric descriptors of a given differentiable curve . A depiction of an example , and is shown
Section 2: Geometry of in
Now we can graduate to analyzing the geometry of in . Before we do so, though, we will define the of a map . The differential of at , denoted , is a linear map that takes tangent vectors to curves passing through to the associated tangent vector of the curve induced by , show in Figure . Formally, let be a curve such that and . Then, While this definition may seem confusing, if we take a look at the matrix representation of this linear map, we see that it simply boils down to the jacobian of applied to the vector ,
RemarkThe function depends only on and , not the choice of .
This becomes clear when we expand the definition of the differential using the chain rule, where by definition and , .
Now we can finally discuss surfaces in , specifically surfaces.
is often called a or a of . This definition establishes the notion that a regular surface can be constructed by stitching together deformations of patches of . Then, by analyzing these deformations we’ll be able to quantify and characterize the geometry of !
Tangent curves and spaces
We’ll now define the notion of a tangent space to a point, a critical geometric object in Differential Geometry. Given a regular surface , we we say is a tangent vector if there exists a curve such that and . A visualization is provided
DefinitionThe tangent space to at is defined as
Figure shows an example of the tangent space to a surface. This vector space actually arises directly from the charts used to construct . This is illustrated in the following lemma:
LemmaLet be a local chart around . Then .
I’ve omitted the proof, but it arises quite simply from the definitions of the differential and the tangent space. A simple corollary of this result follows too,
CorollaryLet be a local chart around . Then .
Critically, this means we have access to a basis of our tangent space about each arising only from the chart . Now that we’ve established a notion of tangency, we’ll do the same for normalcy.
Normal vector fields and the Gauss map
A vector field on (i.e. a differentiable map ) is called if we have . Furthermore, is called if .
Unitary normal vector fields give rise to the notion of . For example, non-orientable surfaces like the Möbius strip do not admit a global unitary normal vector field. This idea is beatifully illustrated by a painting by M.C. Escher, shown
If it exists, the unitary normal vector field for a surface is called the . Studying the behavior of the Gauss map will lead to a generalization of the notion of curvature for .
The First and Second Fundamental Forms
The first fundamental form (denoted ) and second fundamental form (denoted ) are quadratic forms on the tangent space of surfaces - namely, they take a vector pair to a number in . These two maps describe describe respectively the and geometry of a surface , and will be the subject of our study for the rest of the blog post.
DefinitionSuppose we have a surface with a local chart , and a point . The of at , denoted , is the map for . It is often interpreted as the restriction of the Euclidean inner product to .
A visualization of the quantities used in the definition can be seen in For me, it is intuitive to think about the matrix representation of . Expanding the definition we see,
By looking at the first fundamental form this way, we see that it tells us how much the local chart deforms the patch along the coordinate axes and to get the patch ! We can make this idea concrete by computing path lengths on , where we will see a clear dependence on the first fundamental form.
Let and let , where is a local chart for . Lets compute the length of the path of and : We can apply the chain rule to get in terms of , Plugging back into the path length equation, we get