Brennan Becerra
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Mathematics undergraduate student interested in topology, differential geometry, and abstract algebra.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
- Fall 2021 - Matter and Interactions I
Boise State University, Boise, Idaho
- Fall 2022 - Spring 2024 - MATH 301 - Introduction to Linear
Algebra - MATH 265 - Intro to Programming in Math - MATH 333 - Diff
Equat w/ Matrix Theory - MATH 189 - Discrete Mathematics - MATH 287 -
Mathematical Proofs & Methods - MATH 305 - Abstract Algebra/Number
Theory - MATH 361 - Probability & Statistics I - MATH 314 -
Foundations of Analysis - MATH 436 - Partial Differential Equations -
MATH 311 - Foundations of Geometry
Taking Math Notes in Obsidian
August 2022 - Present - Implemented digital math note-taking
using LaTeX and Typescript snippets in Obsidian.
Continuous Deformations of Shifting Piecewise
January 2023 - Present - Independently studying a class of
‘shifting’ functions manipulating sets in n-space.
Topology for Data Science Workshop, Montana State
April 2023 - Utilized R to classify clusters of data points
using the Čech simplicial complex.
Jumpstart Math Workshop, Western Washington
August 2023 - Explored data science, dimension theory,
topology, and combinatorics.
- Programming: Python, Sage, Matlab, R, Javascript
Math Note Taker, BSU Educational Access Center
Spring 2024 - Typeset mathematics notes during lectures for
students with disabilities.
Boise State University Unicycle Club
Spring 2023 - Present - Treasurer responsible for managing club
finances and financial reporting.
Boise State University Math Club
Fall 2022 - Present - Engage in problem-solving and discussions
related to mathematics.