Functor Network celebrates its first anniversary!
To mark this occasion, let’s talk about the origin of the name “Functor Network.”
“Functor” is a term from category theory, and category theory is a language that finds application (more or less) in various branches of mathematics. Thus, the term “Functor” perfectly encapsulates the theme of our platform—mathematics. Moreover, “Functor” is a term that primarily appears in math-related fields, it makes our platform’s name unique, easily recognizable by mathematicians, and more searchable on the internet. Just as a functor connects different categories in mathematics, we hope our platform can connect people from various mathematical fields.
Adding the word “Network” to our name not only makes it more distinctive but also emphasizes the community aspect of our platform. In addition to serving as a personal blog where individuals can share their thoughts, ideas, and knowledge, Functor Network is also a platform where scattered people from different places can interact with each other.
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