Mind Frame by HILio

Can You SEE? A Journey into Social Echoes Effects, a neurobehavioral protocol being developed by Hidden Information Labs (HILio).

Consider this: Memory for music has long been shown to have protective effects for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), providing a bridge to cognitive function and enhancing patient well-being. The Alzheimer’s and Music Therapy (ALMUTH) study aimed to integrate music therapy (MT) and physical activity (PA) into the care of AD patients. This feasibility paper discusses the challenges encountered in the implementation of the ALMUTH protocol, which highlights the importance of coordination within the care ecosystem. Despite the promising benefits of MT and PA for AD patients, the study found that the lack of effective care coordination led to poor adherence and retention rates, making the study infeasible. This case study underscores the need for cohesive, well-coordinated networks of care providers to maximize the potential benefits of non-pharmacological therapies for AD.

This is a Social Echoes Effect (SEE) - how specific changes in human interaction ripple through networks and transform entire systems. At HILio, we study these behavioral chain reactions using category theory and topological data analysis, mapping how targeted interventions can reshape communities, organizations, and care networks.


Consider the following diagram representing the category of social entanglements:

In this diagram:

  • , , , , and represent social entities.

  • , , , , , , , and represent direct social interactions or influences.

  • The morphisms can compose to form new interactions. For example, or , which represents the indirect influence of on through or on through .

  • Similarly, other compositions such as , , , and illustrate different pathways of social influence.

This diagram illustrates how multiple entanglements (represented by arrows) form a complex category with objects (social entanglements) and morphisms (social interactions), showcasing the interconnected nature of social entities and their interactions.

Central to our work is Mind Frame, a digital video-library and resource that brings our research to life, empowering individuals to decode and influence the hidden patterns of human connection.

1. Curated Films:

  • Abstract films produced by HILio to illuminate the Social Echoes Effects encoded within.

  • ySsOoHDFZnsAHvAgQA02Pf2OyAKEiKjEFaptqwLNb2l4

  • 9TYhhtRRAD7Kr2aPphfIE027Hgzn28A01IU553KKyKztE

2. Recorded Workshops:

  • Expert-led sessions and commentary to deepen your understanding of SEE principles.

3. Case Studies:

  • Real-world talks with our research collaborators on the topics of social entanglements and the transformative outcomes of applying SEE to them.

4. Community Access:

  • A supportive network of SEE enthusiasts and practitioners, fostering collaboration and shared learning.

5. Proprietary Applications:

  • Exclusive web-based tools to empower your ability to SEE.

6. Certification Path:

  • For those insterested, there are three certification levels...

Continuous SEEing: This isn’t about theory. It’s about understanding the physics of human behavior—how small changes propagate through systems to create lasting transformation. Want to SEE how social dynamics actually work? Contact us to schedule a session with a HILio Concierge and enjoy a personalized, tailored experience. Annual access has a cost of 500 USDC.

For any questions please feel free to reach out at [email protected].

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